Shop Cross Stitch Ann Harper 1839 Pattern by Fox and Rabbit Image 1 of Ann Harper 1839 Pattern by Fox and Rabbit A$27.95 Add To Cart Weeks Dye Works 6 Strand Cotton Thread (A - O) A$4.00 Color: Select Color Absinthe - 2204Adobe - 2256Amber - 1224Americana - 1307Amethyst - 2020Angel Hair - 1109Apple Pucker - 2202aAqua - 2131Arrowhead - 1105Artichoke - 1183Autumn Leaves - 2234Azaleas - 4145Aztec Red - 2258Baby's Breath - 1103Baked Apple - 1330Banana Popsicle - 1115Banana Pudding - 1112Bark - 1271Bashful - 1083Basil - 1291Battleship - 2108Bayberry - 2166Beachcomber - 4149Bee's Knees - 1223aBeehive - 2213Begonia - 2263Beige - 1106Bermuda - 2121Berry Splash - 4153Bethlehem - 4139BlackberryBlackboard - 1295Blaze - 2235Blue Aster - 2306Blue Bonnet - 2339Blue Fescue - 2116Blue Heron - 1155Blue Jeans - 2107Blue Spruce - 1276Blue Suede - 2107aBlue Topaz - 2118Bluecoat Blue - 6550Bluecoat Red - 6850Bordeaux - 1339Boysenberry - 1343Brick - 1331Bright Leaf - 1227Broom Tree - 1194Bubble Gum - 2275aBullfrog - 2202Busy Lizzie - 2272Butter Bean - 1189Buttercup - 6650Butterscotch - 1226Cactus - 2181Cadet - 1284Calypso - 4143Camellia - 2276Candy Apple - 2268aCantaloupe - 2243Cape Cod - 1181Caper - 1266Cappuccino - 1238Capri - 2120Caramel - 1216Cardinal - 2240aCaribbean - 2136Carnation - 1136Carolina Cecil - 2239aCarrot - 2226Cattail - 1107Cayenne - 2259Celadon - 1261Chablis - 1139Charcoal - 1303Charlotte's Pink - 2282Chartreuse - 2203Cherub - 1134Chesapeake - 3950Chestnut - 1269Chia - 1300aChickpea - 1229Chrysanthemum - 2241Cinnabar - 2254Cinnamon Twist - 1228aCitron - 2216Citronella - 2210Clockwork - 2230Cocoa - 1233Cognac - 2242Collards - 1277Conch - 1133Concord - 1318Confederate Gray - 1173Copper - 2236Cornbread - 2222Cornsilk - 1123Cranberry Ice - 1323Crepe Myrtle - 2275Crimson - 3860Curry - 2220Cyclamen - 2311Cypress - 2153Daffodil - 1119Dahlia - 2293Daylily - 2227Deep Sea - 2104Desert - 1241Dirt Road - 1240Dolphin - 1296Dove - 1171Dried Sage - 1191Driftwood - 1222Dutch Iris - 2342Eggplant - 1317Emerald - 2171Emma's Pink - 2280Envy - 2173Eucalyptus - 2146Father's Day - 4117Fathom - 2102Fawn - 1111Fiesta - 4131Fire - 2268Flamingo - 2247Flatfish - 1239Foliage - 4135Foxglove - 1141Galvanised - 1153Garnet - 2264Garrison Green - 1265Glacial Melt - 2112Gold - 2221Goldenrod - 1118Granny Smith - 2191Grape Ice - 1156Grape Vine - 1273Grapefruit - 2245Graphite - 1154Grasshopper - 2205Grassland - 2195Grenadine - 2244Grits - 1092Guacamole - 1193Gulf - 2151Gunmetal - 1298Harvest - 4103Havana - 1230Hazelnut - 2237Hibiscus - 2278Holly - 1279Honeysuckle - 1108Hosta - 1251Hot Rod - 2233Hunter - 2156Hydrangea - 1161Iceberg - 2186Icicle - 1086Indian Summer - 4121Iris - 2316Islamorada - 2142Island Breeze - 2133Ivy - 2198Jack-O-Lantern - 2229Jay Bird - 2110Jealousy - 2335Julep - 2161Julian - 1301Juniper - 2158Kentucky Bluegrass - 2152King Mackerel - 1152Kohl - 3900Kris' Bon Bon - 1267Kudzu - 2200Ladybug - 2267Lagoon - 2141Lancaster Red - 1333Latte - 1221Lavender - 2301Lavender Rose - 2289Lemon Chiffon - 2217Lemonade - 1114Liberty - 2269Lichen - 2208Light Khaki - 1101Lilac - 2334Lily Pad - 2194Linen - 1094Loden - 1264London Fog - 1198Louisiana Hot Sauce - 2266aLove - 4109Lucky - 4111Madison Rose - 2284Malachite - 2144Mallard - 1281Marigold - 2225Marmalade - 2225aMascara - 3910Meadow - 2176Merlin - 1305Merlot - 1334Michael's Navy - 1309Mocha - 1236Molasses - 1268Monkey Grass - 2168Moonglow - 1113Morris Blue - 2109Moss - 2201Mother's Day - 4115Mountain Mist - 1283Mulberry - 1316Navy - 1306Oak - 1219Ocean - 1282Oilcloth - 1232aOkefenokee - 3940Olive - 2211Onyx - 1304Oscar - 2197Oyster - 1147 Absinthe - 2204 Adobe - 2256 Amber - 1224 Americana - 1307 Amethyst - 2020 Angel Hair - 1109 Apple Pucker - 2202a Aqua - 2131 Arrowhead - 1105 Artichoke - 1183 Autumn Leaves - 2234 Azaleas - 4145 Aztec Red - 2258 Baby's Breath - 1103 Baked Apple - 1330 Banana Popsicle - 1115 Banana Pudding - 1112 Bark - 1271 Bashful - 1083 Basil - 1291 Battleship - 2108 Bayberry - 2166 Beachcomber - 4149 Bee's Knees - 1223a Beehive - 2213 Begonia - 2263 Beige - 1106 Bermuda - 2121 Berry Splash - 4153 Bethlehem - 4139 Blackberry Blackboard - 1295 Blaze - 2235 Blue Aster - 2306 Blue Bonnet - 2339 Blue Fescue - 2116 Blue Heron - 1155 Blue Jeans - 2107 Blue Spruce - 1276 Blue Suede - 2107a Blue Topaz - 2118 Bluecoat Blue - 6550 Bluecoat Red - 6850 Bordeaux - 1339 Boysenberry - 1343 Brick - 1331 Bright Leaf - 1227 Broom Tree - 1194 Bubble Gum - 2275a Bullfrog - 2202 Busy Lizzie - 2272 Butter Bean - 1189 Buttercup - 6650 Butterscotch - 1226 Cactus - 2181 Cadet - 1284 Calypso - 4143 Camellia - 2276 Candy Apple - 2268a Cantaloupe - 2243 Cape Cod - 1181 Caper - 1266 Cappuccino - 1238 Capri - 2120 Caramel - 1216 Cardinal - 2240a Caribbean - 2136 Carnation - 1136 Carolina Cecil - 2239a Carrot - 2226 Cattail - 1107 Cayenne - 2259 Celadon - 1261 Chablis - 1139 Charcoal - 1303 Charlotte's Pink - 2282 Chartreuse - 2203 Cherub - 1134 Chesapeake - 3950 Chestnut - 1269 Chia - 1300a Chickpea - 1229 Chrysanthemum - 2241 Cinnabar - 2254 Cinnamon Twist - 1228a Citron - 2216 Citronella - 2210 Clockwork - 2230 Cocoa - 1233 Cognac - 2242 Collards - 1277 Conch - 1133 Concord - 1318 Confederate Gray - 1173 Copper - 2236 Cornbread - 2222 Cornsilk - 1123 Cranberry Ice - 1323 Crepe Myrtle - 2275 Crimson - 3860 Curry - 2220 Cyclamen - 2311 Cypress - 2153 Daffodil - 1119 Dahlia - 2293 Daylily - 2227 Deep Sea - 2104 Desert - 1241 Dirt Road - 1240 Dolphin - 1296 Dove - 1171 Dried Sage - 1191 Driftwood - 1222 Dutch Iris - 2342 Eggplant - 1317 Emerald - 2171 Emma's Pink - 2280 Envy - 2173 Eucalyptus - 2146 Father's Day - 4117 Fathom - 2102 Fawn - 1111 Fiesta - 4131 Fire - 2268 Flamingo - 2247 Flatfish - 1239 Foliage - 4135 Foxglove - 1141 Galvanised - 1153 Garnet - 2264 Garrison Green - 1265 Glacial Melt - 2112 Gold - 2221 Goldenrod - 1118 Granny Smith - 2191 Grape Ice - 1156 Grape Vine - 1273 Grapefruit - 2245 Graphite - 1154 Grasshopper - 2205 Grassland - 2195 Grenadine - 2244 Grits - 1092 Guacamole - 1193 Gulf - 2151 Gunmetal - 1298 Harvest - 4103 Havana - 1230 Hazelnut - 2237 Hibiscus - 2278 Holly - 1279 Honeysuckle - 1108 Hosta - 1251 Hot Rod - 2233 Hunter - 2156 Hydrangea - 1161 Iceberg - 2186 Icicle - 1086 Indian Summer - 4121 Iris - 2316 Islamorada - 2142 Island Breeze - 2133 Ivy - 2198 Jack-O-Lantern - 2229 Jay Bird - 2110 Jealousy - 2335 Julep - 2161 Julian - 1301 Juniper - 2158 Kentucky Bluegrass - 2152 King Mackerel - 1152 Kohl - 3900 Kris' Bon Bon - 1267 Kudzu - 2200 Ladybug - 2267 Lagoon - 2141 Lancaster Red - 1333 Latte - 1221 Lavender - 2301 Lavender Rose - 2289 Lemon Chiffon - 2217 Lemonade - 1114 Liberty - 2269 Lichen - 2208 Light Khaki - 1101 Lilac - 2334 Lily Pad - 2194 Linen - 1094 Loden - 1264 London Fog - 1198 Louisiana Hot Sauce - 2266a Love - 4109 Lucky - 4111 Madison Rose - 2284 Malachite - 2144 Mallard - 1281 Marigold - 2225 Marmalade - 2225a Mascara - 3910 Meadow - 2176 Merlin - 1305 Merlot - 1334 Michael's Navy - 1309 Mocha - 1236 Molasses - 1268 Monkey Grass - 2168 Moonglow - 1113 Morris Blue - 2109 Moss - 2201 Mother's Day - 4115 Mountain Mist - 1283 Mulberry - 1316 Navy - 1306 Oak - 1219 Ocean - 1282 Oilcloth - 1232a Okefenokee - 3940 Olive - 2211 Onyx - 1304 Oscar - 2197 Oyster - 1147 Weeks Dye Works 6 Strand Cotton Thread (P - Z) A$4.00 Color: Select Color Palomino - 1232Pamilco - 1259Parchment - 1110Paris Green - 2204aPea Coat - 2103Peach - 1131Peach Cobbler - 4151Peach Fuzz - 1129Peacock - 2149Pebble - 1151Pecan - 1228Pelican Gray - 1302Peony - 2271Peoria PurplePepperoncini - 2207Periwinkle - 2337Persimmon - 2230aPewter - 1176Pink Sand - 2285Pistachio - 2206Plum - 2321Porpoise - 1299Pumpkin - 2228Purple Haze - 1313Purple Majesty - 2329Purple Rain - 2338Putty - 1201Queen Anne's Lace - 1098Raspberry - 1336Raspberry Tart - 1337Red Pear - 1332Red Rocks - 2240River Otter - 1290River Rock - 1288Roasted Figs - 1235Robin's Egg - 2129Romance - 2274Rose Quartz - 1137Rum Raisin - 1270Rust - 1326Saffron - 2223Sage - 1246Sally's Sunshine - 2218Salt Glaze - 1286Saltwater Taffy - 1132Sand - 3500Sandcastle - 1124Sanguine - 2253Santa Claus - 4137Santa Cruz - 2114Santorini - 2106Schneckley - 1223Scuppernong - 2196Sea Foam - 1166Sea Glass - 2139Seagull - 1300Seaweed - 2159Sedona - 2261Shasta - 1116Shepard's Blue - 2108aSkinny Dip - 1127Sky - 2111Snowflake - 4125Sockeye - 2249Sophia's Pink - 1138Spanish Moss - 1150Spring Bouquet - 4113Spumoni - 4147Squash - 2224Stepping Stone - 1289Stone - 2326Straw - 1121Strawberry Fields - 2265Sun Dried - 2260Sunset - 2246Swamp Water - 4129Sweet Pea - 2296Sweet Potato - 2238Sweetheart Rose - 2279Swiss Chocolate - 1237Taffeta - 1311Tarragon - 2199Tatanka - 1272Taupe - 1196Teal Frost - 3960Terra Cotta - 2239Terrapin - 1274Thistle - 2286Thyme - 1256Tiger's Eye - 1225Tin Roof - 1174Turkish Red - 2266Turquoise - 2135Twilight - 1285Ultraviolet - 2336Union Blue - 2113Verdigris - 1280Violet - 2331Wasabi - 1120Watermelon Punch - 2262Whiskey - 2219White Chocolate - 1206White Lightning - 1088White Walnut - 1211Whitewash - 1091Williamsburg - 1321Williamsburg Blue - 3550Williamsburg Red - 3850Winnie B Blue - 2104aWinter wheat - 1122Wisteria - 1186Yukon Gold - 2221a Palomino - 1232 Pamilco - 1259 Parchment - 1110 Paris Green - 2204a Pea Coat - 2103 Peach - 1131 Peach Cobbler - 4151 Peach Fuzz - 1129 Peacock - 2149 Pebble - 1151 Pecan - 1228 Pelican Gray - 1302 Peony - 2271 Peoria Purple Pepperoncini - 2207 Periwinkle - 2337 Persimmon - 2230a Pewter - 1176 Pink Sand - 2285 Pistachio - 2206 Plum - 2321 Porpoise - 1299 Pumpkin - 2228 Purple Haze - 1313 Purple Majesty - 2329 Purple Rain - 2338 Putty - 1201 Queen Anne's Lace - 1098 Raspberry - 1336 Raspberry Tart - 1337 Red Pear - 1332 Red Rocks - 2240 River Otter - 1290 River Rock - 1288 Roasted Figs - 1235 Robin's Egg - 2129 Romance - 2274 Rose Quartz - 1137 Rum Raisin - 1270 Rust - 1326 Saffron - 2223 Sage - 1246 Sally's Sunshine - 2218 Salt Glaze - 1286 Saltwater Taffy - 1132 Sand - 3500 Sandcastle - 1124 Sanguine - 2253 Santa Claus - 4137 Santa Cruz - 2114 Santorini - 2106 Schneckley - 1223 Scuppernong - 2196 Sea Foam - 1166 Sea Glass - 2139 Seagull - 1300 Seaweed - 2159 Sedona - 2261 Shasta - 1116 Shepard's Blue - 2108a Skinny Dip - 1127 Sky - 2111 Snowflake - 4125 Sockeye - 2249 Sophia's Pink - 1138 Spanish Moss - 1150 Spring Bouquet - 4113 Spumoni - 4147 Squash - 2224 Stepping Stone - 1289 Stone - 2326 Straw - 1121 Strawberry Fields - 2265 Sun Dried - 2260 Sunset - 2246 Swamp Water - 4129 Sweet Pea - 2296 Sweet Potato - 2238 Sweetheart Rose - 2279 Swiss Chocolate - 1237 Taffeta - 1311 Tarragon - 2199 Tatanka - 1272 Taupe - 1196 Teal Frost - 3960 Terra Cotta - 2239 Terrapin - 1274 Thistle - 2286 Thyme - 1256 Tiger's Eye - 1225 Tin Roof - 1174 Turkish Red - 2266 Turquoise - 2135 Twilight - 1285 Ultraviolet - 2336 Union Blue - 2113 Verdigris - 1280 Violet - 2331 Wasabi - 1120 Watermelon Punch - 2262 Whiskey - 2219 White Chocolate - 1206 White Lightning - 1088 White Walnut - 1211 Whitewash - 1091 Williamsburg - 1321 Williamsburg Blue - 3550 Williamsburg Red - 3850 Winnie B Blue - 2104a Winter wheat - 1122 Wisteria - 1186 Yukon Gold - 2221a Fox and Rabbit 40 Count Dust Bunny Linen from A$37.00 Size: Select Size Fat Half - Approx 92 x 66 cmFat Quarter - Approx 45 x 66 cm Fat Half - Approx 92 x 66 cm Fat Quarter - Approx 45 x 66 cm
Shop Cross Stitch Ann Harper 1839 Pattern by Fox and Rabbit Image 1 of Ann Harper 1839 Pattern by Fox and Rabbit A$27.95 Add To Cart Weeks Dye Works 6 Strand Cotton Thread (A - O) A$4.00 Color: Select Color Absinthe - 2204Adobe - 2256Amber - 1224Americana - 1307Amethyst - 2020Angel Hair - 1109Apple Pucker - 2202aAqua - 2131Arrowhead - 1105Artichoke - 1183Autumn Leaves - 2234Azaleas - 4145Aztec Red - 2258Baby's Breath - 1103Baked Apple - 1330Banana Popsicle - 1115Banana Pudding - 1112Bark - 1271Bashful - 1083Basil - 1291Battleship - 2108Bayberry - 2166Beachcomber - 4149Bee's Knees - 1223aBeehive - 2213Begonia - 2263Beige - 1106Bermuda - 2121Berry Splash - 4153Bethlehem - 4139BlackberryBlackboard - 1295Blaze - 2235Blue Aster - 2306Blue Bonnet - 2339Blue Fescue - 2116Blue Heron - 1155Blue Jeans - 2107Blue Spruce - 1276Blue Suede - 2107aBlue Topaz - 2118Bluecoat Blue - 6550Bluecoat Red - 6850Bordeaux - 1339Boysenberry - 1343Brick - 1331Bright Leaf - 1227Broom Tree - 1194Bubble Gum - 2275aBullfrog - 2202Busy Lizzie - 2272Butter Bean - 1189Buttercup - 6650Butterscotch - 1226Cactus - 2181Cadet - 1284Calypso - 4143Camellia - 2276Candy Apple - 2268aCantaloupe - 2243Cape Cod - 1181Caper - 1266Cappuccino - 1238Capri - 2120Caramel - 1216Cardinal - 2240aCaribbean - 2136Carnation - 1136Carolina Cecil - 2239aCarrot - 2226Cattail - 1107Cayenne - 2259Celadon - 1261Chablis - 1139Charcoal - 1303Charlotte's Pink - 2282Chartreuse - 2203Cherub - 1134Chesapeake - 3950Chestnut - 1269Chia - 1300aChickpea - 1229Chrysanthemum - 2241Cinnabar - 2254Cinnamon Twist - 1228aCitron - 2216Citronella - 2210Clockwork - 2230Cocoa - 1233Cognac - 2242Collards - 1277Conch - 1133Concord - 1318Confederate Gray - 1173Copper - 2236Cornbread - 2222Cornsilk - 1123Cranberry Ice - 1323Crepe Myrtle - 2275Crimson - 3860Curry - 2220Cyclamen - 2311Cypress - 2153Daffodil - 1119Dahlia - 2293Daylily - 2227Deep Sea - 2104Desert - 1241Dirt Road - 1240Dolphin - 1296Dove - 1171Dried Sage - 1191Driftwood - 1222Dutch Iris - 2342Eggplant - 1317Emerald - 2171Emma's Pink - 2280Envy - 2173Eucalyptus - 2146Father's Day - 4117Fathom - 2102Fawn - 1111Fiesta - 4131Fire - 2268Flamingo - 2247Flatfish - 1239Foliage - 4135Foxglove - 1141Galvanised - 1153Garnet - 2264Garrison Green - 1265Glacial Melt - 2112Gold - 2221Goldenrod - 1118Granny Smith - 2191Grape Ice - 1156Grape Vine - 1273Grapefruit - 2245Graphite - 1154Grasshopper - 2205Grassland - 2195Grenadine - 2244Grits - 1092Guacamole - 1193Gulf - 2151Gunmetal - 1298Harvest - 4103Havana - 1230Hazelnut - 2237Hibiscus - 2278Holly - 1279Honeysuckle - 1108Hosta - 1251Hot Rod - 2233Hunter - 2156Hydrangea - 1161Iceberg - 2186Icicle - 1086Indian Summer - 4121Iris - 2316Islamorada - 2142Island Breeze - 2133Ivy - 2198Jack-O-Lantern - 2229Jay Bird - 2110Jealousy - 2335Julep - 2161Julian - 1301Juniper - 2158Kentucky Bluegrass - 2152King Mackerel - 1152Kohl - 3900Kris' Bon Bon - 1267Kudzu - 2200Ladybug - 2267Lagoon - 2141Lancaster Red - 1333Latte - 1221Lavender - 2301Lavender Rose - 2289Lemon Chiffon - 2217Lemonade - 1114Liberty - 2269Lichen - 2208Light Khaki - 1101Lilac - 2334Lily Pad - 2194Linen - 1094Loden - 1264London Fog - 1198Louisiana Hot Sauce - 2266aLove - 4109Lucky - 4111Madison Rose - 2284Malachite - 2144Mallard - 1281Marigold - 2225Marmalade - 2225aMascara - 3910Meadow - 2176Merlin - 1305Merlot - 1334Michael's Navy - 1309Mocha - 1236Molasses - 1268Monkey Grass - 2168Moonglow - 1113Morris Blue - 2109Moss - 2201Mother's Day - 4115Mountain Mist - 1283Mulberry - 1316Navy - 1306Oak - 1219Ocean - 1282Oilcloth - 1232aOkefenokee - 3940Olive - 2211Onyx - 1304Oscar - 2197Oyster - 1147 Absinthe - 2204 Adobe - 2256 Amber - 1224 Americana - 1307 Amethyst - 2020 Angel Hair - 1109 Apple Pucker - 2202a Aqua - 2131 Arrowhead - 1105 Artichoke - 1183 Autumn Leaves - 2234 Azaleas - 4145 Aztec Red - 2258 Baby's Breath - 1103 Baked Apple - 1330 Banana Popsicle - 1115 Banana Pudding - 1112 Bark - 1271 Bashful - 1083 Basil - 1291 Battleship - 2108 Bayberry - 2166 Beachcomber - 4149 Bee's Knees - 1223a Beehive - 2213 Begonia - 2263 Beige - 1106 Bermuda - 2121 Berry Splash - 4153 Bethlehem - 4139 Blackberry Blackboard - 1295 Blaze - 2235 Blue Aster - 2306 Blue Bonnet - 2339 Blue Fescue - 2116 Blue Heron - 1155 Blue Jeans - 2107 Blue Spruce - 1276 Blue Suede - 2107a Blue Topaz - 2118 Bluecoat Blue - 6550 Bluecoat Red - 6850 Bordeaux - 1339 Boysenberry - 1343 Brick - 1331 Bright Leaf - 1227 Broom Tree - 1194 Bubble Gum - 2275a Bullfrog - 2202 Busy Lizzie - 2272 Butter Bean - 1189 Buttercup - 6650 Butterscotch - 1226 Cactus - 2181 Cadet - 1284 Calypso - 4143 Camellia - 2276 Candy Apple - 2268a Cantaloupe - 2243 Cape Cod - 1181 Caper - 1266 Cappuccino - 1238 Capri - 2120 Caramel - 1216 Cardinal - 2240a Caribbean - 2136 Carnation - 1136 Carolina Cecil - 2239a Carrot - 2226 Cattail - 1107 Cayenne - 2259 Celadon - 1261 Chablis - 1139 Charcoal - 1303 Charlotte's Pink - 2282 Chartreuse - 2203 Cherub - 1134 Chesapeake - 3950 Chestnut - 1269 Chia - 1300a Chickpea - 1229 Chrysanthemum - 2241 Cinnabar - 2254 Cinnamon Twist - 1228a Citron - 2216 Citronella - 2210 Clockwork - 2230 Cocoa - 1233 Cognac - 2242 Collards - 1277 Conch - 1133 Concord - 1318 Confederate Gray - 1173 Copper - 2236 Cornbread - 2222 Cornsilk - 1123 Cranberry Ice - 1323 Crepe Myrtle - 2275 Crimson - 3860 Curry - 2220 Cyclamen - 2311 Cypress - 2153 Daffodil - 1119 Dahlia - 2293 Daylily - 2227 Deep Sea - 2104 Desert - 1241 Dirt Road - 1240 Dolphin - 1296 Dove - 1171 Dried Sage - 1191 Driftwood - 1222 Dutch Iris - 2342 Eggplant - 1317 Emerald - 2171 Emma's Pink - 2280 Envy - 2173 Eucalyptus - 2146 Father's Day - 4117 Fathom - 2102 Fawn - 1111 Fiesta - 4131 Fire - 2268 Flamingo - 2247 Flatfish - 1239 Foliage - 4135 Foxglove - 1141 Galvanised - 1153 Garnet - 2264 Garrison Green - 1265 Glacial Melt - 2112 Gold - 2221 Goldenrod - 1118 Granny Smith - 2191 Grape Ice - 1156 Grape Vine - 1273 Grapefruit - 2245 Graphite - 1154 Grasshopper - 2205 Grassland - 2195 Grenadine - 2244 Grits - 1092 Guacamole - 1193 Gulf - 2151 Gunmetal - 1298 Harvest - 4103 Havana - 1230 Hazelnut - 2237 Hibiscus - 2278 Holly - 1279 Honeysuckle - 1108 Hosta - 1251 Hot Rod - 2233 Hunter - 2156 Hydrangea - 1161 Iceberg - 2186 Icicle - 1086 Indian Summer - 4121 Iris - 2316 Islamorada - 2142 Island Breeze - 2133 Ivy - 2198 Jack-O-Lantern - 2229 Jay Bird - 2110 Jealousy - 2335 Julep - 2161 Julian - 1301 Juniper - 2158 Kentucky Bluegrass - 2152 King Mackerel - 1152 Kohl - 3900 Kris' Bon Bon - 1267 Kudzu - 2200 Ladybug - 2267 Lagoon - 2141 Lancaster Red - 1333 Latte - 1221 Lavender - 2301 Lavender Rose - 2289 Lemon Chiffon - 2217 Lemonade - 1114 Liberty - 2269 Lichen - 2208 Light Khaki - 1101 Lilac - 2334 Lily Pad - 2194 Linen - 1094 Loden - 1264 London Fog - 1198 Louisiana Hot Sauce - 2266a Love - 4109 Lucky - 4111 Madison Rose - 2284 Malachite - 2144 Mallard - 1281 Marigold - 2225 Marmalade - 2225a Mascara - 3910 Meadow - 2176 Merlin - 1305 Merlot - 1334 Michael's Navy - 1309 Mocha - 1236 Molasses - 1268 Monkey Grass - 2168 Moonglow - 1113 Morris Blue - 2109 Moss - 2201 Mother's Day - 4115 Mountain Mist - 1283 Mulberry - 1316 Navy - 1306 Oak - 1219 Ocean - 1282 Oilcloth - 1232a Okefenokee - 3940 Olive - 2211 Onyx - 1304 Oscar - 2197 Oyster - 1147 Weeks Dye Works 6 Strand Cotton Thread (P - Z) A$4.00 Color: Select Color Palomino - 1232Pamilco - 1259Parchment - 1110Paris Green - 2204aPea Coat - 2103Peach - 1131Peach Cobbler - 4151Peach Fuzz - 1129Peacock - 2149Pebble - 1151Pecan - 1228Pelican Gray - 1302Peony - 2271Peoria PurplePepperoncini - 2207Periwinkle - 2337Persimmon - 2230aPewter - 1176Pink Sand - 2285Pistachio - 2206Plum - 2321Porpoise - 1299Pumpkin - 2228Purple Haze - 1313Purple Majesty - 2329Purple Rain - 2338Putty - 1201Queen Anne's Lace - 1098Raspberry - 1336Raspberry Tart - 1337Red Pear - 1332Red Rocks - 2240River Otter - 1290River Rock - 1288Roasted Figs - 1235Robin's Egg - 2129Romance - 2274Rose Quartz - 1137Rum Raisin - 1270Rust - 1326Saffron - 2223Sage - 1246Sally's Sunshine - 2218Salt Glaze - 1286Saltwater Taffy - 1132Sand - 3500Sandcastle - 1124Sanguine - 2253Santa Claus - 4137Santa Cruz - 2114Santorini - 2106Schneckley - 1223Scuppernong - 2196Sea Foam - 1166Sea Glass - 2139Seagull - 1300Seaweed - 2159Sedona - 2261Shasta - 1116Shepard's Blue - 2108aSkinny Dip - 1127Sky - 2111Snowflake - 4125Sockeye - 2249Sophia's Pink - 1138Spanish Moss - 1150Spring Bouquet - 4113Spumoni - 4147Squash - 2224Stepping Stone - 1289Stone - 2326Straw - 1121Strawberry Fields - 2265Sun Dried - 2260Sunset - 2246Swamp Water - 4129Sweet Pea - 2296Sweet Potato - 2238Sweetheart Rose - 2279Swiss Chocolate - 1237Taffeta - 1311Tarragon - 2199Tatanka - 1272Taupe - 1196Teal Frost - 3960Terra Cotta - 2239Terrapin - 1274Thistle - 2286Thyme - 1256Tiger's Eye - 1225Tin Roof - 1174Turkish Red - 2266Turquoise - 2135Twilight - 1285Ultraviolet - 2336Union Blue - 2113Verdigris - 1280Violet - 2331Wasabi - 1120Watermelon Punch - 2262Whiskey - 2219White Chocolate - 1206White Lightning - 1088White Walnut - 1211Whitewash - 1091Williamsburg - 1321Williamsburg Blue - 3550Williamsburg Red - 3850Winnie B Blue - 2104aWinter wheat - 1122Wisteria - 1186Yukon Gold - 2221a Palomino - 1232 Pamilco - 1259 Parchment - 1110 Paris Green - 2204a Pea Coat - 2103 Peach - 1131 Peach Cobbler - 4151 Peach Fuzz - 1129 Peacock - 2149 Pebble - 1151 Pecan - 1228 Pelican Gray - 1302 Peony - 2271 Peoria Purple Pepperoncini - 2207 Periwinkle - 2337 Persimmon - 2230a Pewter - 1176 Pink Sand - 2285 Pistachio - 2206 Plum - 2321 Porpoise - 1299 Pumpkin - 2228 Purple Haze - 1313 Purple Majesty - 2329 Purple Rain - 2338 Putty - 1201 Queen Anne's Lace - 1098 Raspberry - 1336 Raspberry Tart - 1337 Red Pear - 1332 Red Rocks - 2240 River Otter - 1290 River Rock - 1288 Roasted Figs - 1235 Robin's Egg - 2129 Romance - 2274 Rose Quartz - 1137 Rum Raisin - 1270 Rust - 1326 Saffron - 2223 Sage - 1246 Sally's Sunshine - 2218 Salt Glaze - 1286 Saltwater Taffy - 1132 Sand - 3500 Sandcastle - 1124 Sanguine - 2253 Santa Claus - 4137 Santa Cruz - 2114 Santorini - 2106 Schneckley - 1223 Scuppernong - 2196 Sea Foam - 1166 Sea Glass - 2139 Seagull - 1300 Seaweed - 2159 Sedona - 2261 Shasta - 1116 Shepard's Blue - 2108a Skinny Dip - 1127 Sky - 2111 Snowflake - 4125 Sockeye - 2249 Sophia's Pink - 1138 Spanish Moss - 1150 Spring Bouquet - 4113 Spumoni - 4147 Squash - 2224 Stepping Stone - 1289 Stone - 2326 Straw - 1121 Strawberry Fields - 2265 Sun Dried - 2260 Sunset - 2246 Swamp Water - 4129 Sweet Pea - 2296 Sweet Potato - 2238 Sweetheart Rose - 2279 Swiss Chocolate - 1237 Taffeta - 1311 Tarragon - 2199 Tatanka - 1272 Taupe - 1196 Teal Frost - 3960 Terra Cotta - 2239 Terrapin - 1274 Thistle - 2286 Thyme - 1256 Tiger's Eye - 1225 Tin Roof - 1174 Turkish Red - 2266 Turquoise - 2135 Twilight - 1285 Ultraviolet - 2336 Union Blue - 2113 Verdigris - 1280 Violet - 2331 Wasabi - 1120 Watermelon Punch - 2262 Whiskey - 2219 White Chocolate - 1206 White Lightning - 1088 White Walnut - 1211 Whitewash - 1091 Williamsburg - 1321 Williamsburg Blue - 3550 Williamsburg Red - 3850 Winnie B Blue - 2104a Winter wheat - 1122 Wisteria - 1186 Yukon Gold - 2221a Fox and Rabbit 40 Count Dust Bunny Linen from A$37.00 Size: Select Size Fat Half - Approx 92 x 66 cmFat Quarter - Approx 45 x 66 cm Fat Half - Approx 92 x 66 cm Fat Quarter - Approx 45 x 66 cm