Thank you for stopping by! Please let me know if you have any questions. Happy stitching! Maryann x Threads / The Gentle Art Thread Designers/Brands Cross Stitch Kits Cross Stitch Patterns Needlework Fabric Threads Caron Waterlilies DMC Kreinik Needlepoint Silk (NPI) Rainbow Gallery The Gentle Art Thread Weeks Dye Works Thread Organisers Needles, Threaders and Minders Mill Hill Beads and Treasures and Kits Stands, Q-Snaps and Hoops Scissors, Magnifiers, Lights and Accessories Finishing Supplies Stationery Quick View The Gentle Art Sampler and Shaker Threads A$4.25 Select Colour 1111 - Acorn 1160 - Adobe 1193 - Adzuki 7032 - Aged Pewter 891 - Amethyst 7091 - Antique Lace 7014 - Antique Rose 7041 - Apple Cider 620 - Apricot Blush 7056 - Autumn 7073 - Autumn Leaves 130 - Avocado 7050 - Baby Spinach 7088 - Baked Clay 1030 - Banker's Grey 7001 - Barn Grey 7039 - Bayberry 7011 - Berry Cobbler 570 - Bittersweet 1040 - Black Crow 7098 - Black Licorice 7021 - Black Raspberry Jam 7051 - Blackboard 210 - Blue Jay 140 - Blue Spruce 290 - Bluebell 230 - Blueberry 540 - Brandy 7004 - Brethern Blue 7030 - Briar Rose 7086 - Brick Path 1191 - Brown Bear 790 - Bubblegum 390 - Buckeye Scarlet 7096 - Burlap 550 - Burnt Orange 470 - Buttercrunch 7017 - Buttermilk 7020 - Butternut Squash 730 - Cameo Pink 7061 - Caramel Corn 7095 - Carriage Black 7081 - Carrot 1060 - Cast Iron Skillet 170 - Celery 7054 - Chalk 7016 - Chamomile 1120 - Cherry Bark 330 - Cherry Wine 7074 - Chives 7007 - Cidermill Brown 7043 - Cinders 510 - Cinnamon 310 - Claret 770 - Clover 1090 - Cobblestone 520 - Copper 591 - Coral Reef 250 - Cornflower 450 - Cornhusk 0291 - Cottage Blue 750 - Cotton Candy 511 - Country Redwood 360 - Cranberry 1070 - Creekbed 7075 - Crystal Lake 7077 - Cucumber 312 - Currant 640 - Daffodil 660 - Daisy 1170 - Dark Chocolate 7070 - Deep Forest 930 - Deep Sea 293 - Distressed Denim 895 - Dragon Fruit 960 - Dragonfly 110 - Dried Thyme 1080 - Driftwood 7044 - Dungarees 7080 - Endive 7084 - Espresso Bean 150 - Evergreen 7090 - Faded Rose 1190 - Fisherman's Wharf 1150 - Flax 190 - Forest Glade 7026 - Fragrant Cloves 7037 - Freedom 893 - French Lilac 1180 - Fudge Ripple 7067 - Garden Gate 7036 - Geranium 7034 - Gingersnap 7104 - Glass Slipper 420 - Gold Leaf 7105 - Goldenrod 7022 - Grape Arbor 894 - Grape Fizz 7028 - Grape Leaf 112 - Grasshopper 460 - Grecian Gold 7013 - Green Apple 7023 - Green Pasture 195 - Green Tea Leaf 196 - Green with Envy 592 - Habanero 7000 - Harvest Basket 7033 - Harvest Moon 7079 - Heirloom Gold 780 - Hibiscus 830 - Highland Heather 311 - Holly Berry 7087 - Honey Dew 280 - Huckleberry 850 - Hyacinth 940 - Island Blue 890 - Jasmine 191 - Kiwi 980 - Lagoon 7049 - Lambswool 820 - Lavender Potpourri 650 - Lemon Drops 7040 - Lexington Green 7038 - Liberty 7094 - Linen 892 - Loganberry 440 - Maple Syrup 950 - Mediterranean Sea 7009 - Melon Patch 240 - Midnight 192 - Mint Jubilee 113 - Mistletoe 7102 - Misty Harbor 0220 - Morning Glory 194 - Moss 7045 - Mountain Mist 350 - Mulberry 7047 - Mustard Seed 560 - Nutmeg 1140 - Oatmeal 7010 - Ohio Lemon Pie 1091 - Ohio Sky 7006 - Old Blue Paint 0320 - Old Brick 116 - Old Covered Bridge 7048 - Old Hickory 7062 - Old Purple Paint 7005 - Old Red Paint 7063 - Onyx 580 - Orange Marmalade 7092 - Otter Creek 7027 - Parchment 630 - Peach Ice Cream 910 - Peacock 1020 - Pebble 7097 - Pecan Pie 7012 - Picket Fence 7060 - Picnic Basket 120 - Pine 610 - Pineapple Sherbet 7082 - Piney Woods 710 - Pink Azalea 370 - Poinsettia 7019 - Pomegranate 760 - Poppy 740 - Porcelain 7076 - Portabella 260 - Presidential Blue 530 - Pumpkin Patch 7059 - Pumpkin Pie 880 - Punchberry 810 - Purple Iris 7103 - Putty 1192 - Rag Doll 7072 - Raspberry Frost 380 - Raspberry Parfait 7042 - Raven 340 - Red Grape 860 - Red Plum 7008 - Rhubarb 7057 - Roasted Marshmallow 7068 - Rose Garden 840 - Royal Purple 7100 - Ruby Slipper 1110 - Sable 7101 - Sage 7015 - Sarsaparilla 7053 - School Yard 7052 - Schoolhouse Red 111 - Sea Spray 7025 - Shaker White 7003 - Shutter Green 114 - Silver Fern 1010 - Slate 292 - Something Blue 1050 - Soot 180 - Spring Grass 981 - Storm Clouds 7002 - Straw Bonnet 870 - Sugarplum 430 - Summer Meadow 7069 - Summer Shower 7071 - Sunflower 7031 - Sweet Pea 711 - Sweet Petunia 410 - Tarnished Gold 7035 - Tea Rose 590 - Terra Cotta 115 - Tiger Lily 7024 - Tin Bucket 7064 - Toasted Barley 7078 - Toffee 7058 - Tomato 1194 - Tortoise Shell 7089 - Tradewind 920 - Tropical Ocean 270 - Tutti Fruiti 7055 - Uniform Blue 970 - Verdigris 720 - Victorian Pink 7083 - Vintage Lace 7029 - Walnut 7046 - Weathered Barn 7093 - Wheat Fields 160 - Willow 811 - Wisteria 391 - Witching Hour 1130 - Wood Smoke 7066 - Wood Trail 7018 - Woodrose 7065 - Wrought Iron Add To Cart